More on determining your ring size
If you don't already know your ring size, it is really not possible to determine it with any accuracy without actually trying on several different-size rings to see how they fit. Too bad it is not as easy as measuring your waist size with a tape measure! Check our our Ring Size Help Page on our website for more info.
On that help page, we offer a "Ring Size Guide" which contains a number of circles which represented ring sizes from small to large. The idea is to put a correctly fitting ring that you already have down on the paper to find its size. But, the problem with such a document (similar ones are offered on other jewelry websites) is that you must print it exactly right in order for it to be useful--if your printer setup is wrong, then the document will print at the wrong size, and all of the ring sizes will be wrong! And, even if everything is set up correctly, and the document prints at the correct size, there is still a lot of room for error. This is because it is difficult to see the circles on the inside of some rings because of they are tapered and don't fit flat on the paper, or they have a beveled edge which hides the circle. So, if you decide to use our guide, make sure you follow the printing instructions, and use a US quarter to make sure it printed correctly.
Instead of just printing the sizing guide, though, we highly recommend that our customers order our $2.00 ring size kit, (pictured) which contains a number of punch-out plastic rings, graduated in half sizes, so that you can actually try on different sizes. It is shipped via first class mail, and it will arrive just a few days after you order it--you don't even have to leave the house!
Another method is to go to a local jewelry counter in a department store to get help with sizing. We encourage you to evaluate their jewelry offerings while you are there--just remember to always look at gold quality and weight of their jewelry, and if it is a diamond piece, ask about the diamond quality (color, clarity, cut and weight). If you can't get that information from them, there is no way you can comparison-shop! Notice that on our website, we give complete specifications for all of our jewelry.
Finally, remember that if you do find that you ordered one of our rings in the wrong size, all is not lost! We will be happy to re-size the ring for you for a small charge--just email us to let us know what the new ring size should be, and we will respond with instructions. Or, you can take your ring to a local jeweler and have them re-size it for you--just call a few stores to find out what they charge, because it could vary considerably. Our charge will no doubt be less, but it will take longer because of shipping time. As always, feel free to call us if you have questions!